
EIDR Maintenance Schedule

EIDR has several, regularly-scheduled maintenance windows:

  • Registry Backup: Daily @ 6 a.m.-7 a.m. UTC (the production registry may be in read-only mode while the backup is running)
  • De-Dupe Maintenance: Fridays @ 1 p.m.-1:30 p.m. UTC (the production registry will be in read-only mode while the de-dupe service is off-line)
  • Registry Maintenance: Last Tuesday of each Month @ 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. UTC (the sandbox will be unavailable while it is refreshed from production — other activities may be scheduled as needed and may cause production registry read- or write-operation interruptions)

Most service interruptions will be less than 10 minutes, scheduled to fit within the windows noted above.

We will notify you in advance of any significant registry updates planned for the monthly maintenance window and any other maintenance that may interrupt service outside of these scheduled windows.

NOTE: The EIDR Sandbox system is refreshed with partial Production data during the monthly Registry Maintenance on the last Tuesday of the month. This means that any Sandbox test records/pending transactions will be lost. If you are conducting an extended test in the EIDR Sandbox that would be interrupted by the monthly refresh, let us know in advance and we will postpone the Sandbox refresh.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns at [email protected].