Fabric Origin, the industry leading metadata solution for automating title data in M&E supply chains and fueling consumer content discovery across all screens, is the source of the 6 millionth EIDR alt ID registered.
Fabric Origin’s ID for the Universal film The Fall Guy (EIDR ID: 10.5240/95CE-D668-725A-3CA3-2A3D-L; Fabric Origin ID: Movie/286347) took the honor.
“The entertainment ecosystem is awash in IDs,” said Fabric CEO Rob Delf. “Supporting the EIDR standard through the addition of alternate IDs improves the use of the registry for everyone and enables us to continually bring innovative products to market.”
Hollie Choi, managing director of EIDR, added: “This is a big selling point of the EIDR Registry. It’s an interoperable benefit, serving as a Rosetta Stone for all your other metadata. It’s a benefit for the entire industry.”
For more information about Fabric, visit www.FabricData.com.