
Smart Content Summit EU Hears From EIDR

Richard Kroon, director of technical operations for the Entertainment ID Registry (EIDR), and Avner Braverman, CEO of Reshuffle, brought their insights on mature APIs and taking advantage of the cloud’s ability to deploy and scale services, to the 5th November Smart Content Summit EU event.

Their discussion — “Delivering New Services without Building New Services” — tackled how the cloud has made the delivery of new services easy, but developing those services still takes time, effort and money. Factor mature APIs with an installed customer base that needs 24/7 support without service interruption, and the solution EIDR and Reshuffle have is to deploy API shims, developed on an open-source platform, and backed by commercial support

This allows content companies to leverage modular design and code-reuse, to perform complex tasks with a small amount of linking JavaScript.

To access the audio of the presentation, click here. To access the presentation slide deck, click here.

Smart Content Summit EU was produced by MESA and MESA Europe, in association with CDSA, HITS and the Smart Content Council, which meets regularly to share best practices, evaluate emerging technologies and collaborate to accelerate the pace of transformation in our industry. The summit is sponsored by ATMECS, Cognizant, Deluxe, Digital Nirvana, Éclair, Eluvio, EIDR, Iyuno Media Group, TransPerfect, NAGRA, Premiere Digital, Zixi, Whip Media Group, AppTek and EIDR.